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  • Unusual Uses For Coffee Machines
    So most of us love coffee as a drink, and more often that not a means to stay awake during the day, but how often do we think to use coffee as an ingredient ......... Read More

  • Taste The Difference When You Use A Coffee Grinder
    We all enjoy a good cup of coffee to keep us refreshed and alert, but in today's world of freeze dried and instants it is difficult to get that real coffee taste ......... Read More

  • Gourmet Coffee And Free Coffee Advice
    If you are a gourmet coffee lover you will know that there are many related products and items that are connected with it, the thing is there are many ......... Read More

  • Reduce Your Stress With A Coffee Break Playing An Arcade Game
    The coffee break is normally one of the American traditions of taking a break during office hours. It actually started in the early 20th century, and until ......... Read More

  • Coffee Makers For Different Coffee Types
    There is nothing quite like waking up in the morning, stumbling to the kitchen and finding your favourite coffee brewed and waiting for you. Of all the drinks ......... Read More

  • A Brief History Of Espresso
    Luigi Bezzera, the owner of a manufacturing business invented Espresso at the turn of the century. Luigi Bezzera was simply trying to figure out a way to ......... Read More

  • The History Of Coffee
    Coffee, the brew, that more than half the people around the world need to kick start the day. Ever wondered about the origins of this humble but oh so ......... Read More

  • Is Coffee Good For You Or Bad For You
    Many sober, law abiding people who would never dream of knowingly ingesting a mind- altering drug, actually consume one every day—caffeine! ......... Read More

  • Coffee Facts A Brief History In Time
    It is probably common knowledge that coffee was discovered in Ethiopia. The ‘red' cherries which the sheep ate and become very active were taken home and ......... Read More

  • 5 Tips For Beginning A Successful Coffee Franchise
    5 Tips for Beginning a Successful Coffee FranchiseChances are quite good that if you are beginning a coffee franchise that you have visions of successful endings ......... Read More

Ok, so you like to down to your favourite coffee house and order coffees,
cappuccinos, café mochas, lattes and espressos. It isn't the fancy coffee cups
that make this beverage taste so great. It's the recipe of the coffee and of
course the way it looks that factors into the equation. We all have a favourite
style of coffee and every cup will taste different because of the roast of the
coffee bean, the grind, the amount used, the water, the temperature and a
variety of other factors. We have all had a go trying to reproduce the coffee
goodness from the coffee houses at home, the way we imagine they are supposed to
be done, but do we actually know the proper method to use in order to extort the
captivating flavours perfectly? Below is the basic list of how to make these
excellent coffees.Cappuccino: This coffee product consists of equal parts
steamed and frothed milk and shot of coffee. The milk then gets poured on top of
the coffee shot and dusted with nutmeg, cinnamon or chocolate powder. Café
Mochas: The easiest way to do this is to make it with quality hot chocolate, add
a shot of coffee with steamed milk poured in and top with whipped cream, then
lightly dust with chocolate powder. To achieve to best effect, use a clear
glass-mug with a long stemmed spoon.. Lattes: Foam and steam milk to 75 degrees
(C). The ratio is worked out as 50% coffee and 50% milk. Slowly pour the milk
down the side of the coffee cup or glass so it infuses with the coffee shot. The
main differentiation between a latte and a cappuccino is a latte blends the milk
and coffee together, whereas the cappuccino keeps the 2 apart. Espressos: We
have all had a foul espresso, right?. There are a number of reasons for this.
The No.1 reason being an unfavourable coffee bean being used. If you like
espressos you are most likely a lover of all things coffee and know what makes a
good coffee bean. So with this in mind, to make a good espresso coffee you need
to follow these instructions: • Finely grind the coffee beans • You must pack
the espresso down firmly • You must use a high pressure coffee machine or stove
top model • You must not try to make too much coffee at once • You must see the
crème floating on the top of the coffee shot, which is a golden-brown foam • You
must use an appropriate espresso cup to keep the coffee warmWhen all is said and
done, making coffee correctly is all up to you and the way your flavour buds
take to the coffee taste. If you like coffee in a particular way, then make it
that particular way. However, if you have guests over they may just like the
basics. So do yourself a favour and learn the correct way to make coffees,
lattes and espressos.