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  • 10 Facts You Never Knew About Coffee
    The next time you are at your favourite coffee shop and someone catches your eye, here are ten interesting coffee facts that you can use to break the ice:1) ......... Read More

  • History Of Kenya Coffee
    The birth place of coffee is relatively close to Kenya but getting it there was not an easy task and full of bloodshed. The Arabs who controlled coffee enslaved ......... Read More

  • Gourmet Coffee The Best Information
    If you are really fed up with having the hum drum coffee all the time. Then it's time to recompense yourself with something diverse and exciting. Why not spritz ......... Read More

  • The Coffee Bean
    Coffee is a beverage, served hot or with ice, with or without cream and sugar, prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant. These seeds are almost ......... Read More

  • Before You Purchase A Home Espresso Machine
    Instead of running to your local coffee shop or favourite corner café for the perfect cut of espresso, consider making your own at home. If the thought of ......... Read More

  • Coffee Maker Glossary
    Coffee Maker Glossary Coffee has a language all its own. Here are a few of the frequently used coffee maker terms.Auto Frother: device that automatically ......... Read More

  • Coffee - Avoiding Brewing A Bad Cup
    If a good cup of coffee was so easy to make by simply just throwing in your choice of coffee grinds into water and then into your percolator, then you could ......... Read More

  • Coffee Maker Types
    When we hear the term ‘coffee maker' most of us think of only one type of coffee maker. Most often, the drip style coffee maker or the espresso type machine ......... Read More

  • Is That Hot Coffee Really Good For You
    It is common knowledge that the caffeine content in coffee is not good for human health. In spite of that caffeine consumption the world over has increased in ......... Read More

  • Using The Coffee Grinder For A Cup Of The Brew
    To a coffee lover freshly ground beans have the greatest attraction. The fragrance itself can make you long for a cup of the brew so earnestly. However, ......... Read More

Let's face it, potential dates will not jump on the hood of your car as you
speed down the highway from home to work and back. You have to slow down, step
out of your comfort zone and really put some effort toward meeting people in
order to make the dating scene seem less like a torture chamber and more like
the fun it is meant to be.
But once you have an exciting prospect there is a whole new set of dilemmas. And
delights. If you are like most people when you find an interesting person to
date, a billion questions tramp across your mind. Should I act as interested as
I truly am? Should I try to remain aloof? Will it scare him or her away if I
bare my soul in the first ten minutes? Should I pace myself and introduce my
passions slowly?
Since there are plenty of dating books but no real manual out there, these will
continue to be legitimate and timeless questions. Unfortunately the answer to
all of them is simply this: you have to trust your instincts with most things
when it comes to dating.
However there are a few questionable aspects of the dating scene that you can
eliminate simply by setting a few subtle boundaries. To insure a comfortable
beginning and attempt a peaceful middle while leaning toward a happily ever
after to any date (especially the first date) you must have a strategy. Most
people will agree the first date is the most awkward simply due to the fact you
don't really know what to anticipate. That is also the great fun of first dates.
Taking the guesswork out of one part of the first date trauma (or drama
depending) it is a great idea to simplify that first “date” by meeting for
coffee during the early evening or mid day. Not only does that give you an
opportunity to escape in as little as fifteen minutes if the experience is
perfectly dreadful, it allows the date to last as long as it needs to if things
are rolling along nicely. And caffeine can be as effective as alcohol when it
comes to loosening tongues and inhibitions!
One certain way of enjoying your first date is by being honest and attentive. If
rejection is the one thing all humans fear the most, acceptance has to be the
one thing everyone longs to experience. Be kind, courteous and respectful even
if you don't feel the date is going the way you wanted it to go. Sometimes the
person who does not fit our instant criteria is actually a genuine compatible
match for us.