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  • Coffee Makers - Doing It Like Professionals
    How coffee beans are judged is the profession of a barista, a coffee maker. Coffees taste is judge by a cupper, a professional taster. All this expertise ......... Read More

  • Coffee And How To Buy Related Products And Goods
    Coffee has been with us forever and dates back for as long as mankind can remember, it is a social beverage and something that most of us simply could not ......... Read More

  • The History Of Espresso Coffee Makers
    The History of Espresso Coffee MakersEspresso coffee makers came out of man's need for a faster cup of coffee. Not only did espresso machines produce more ......... Read More

  • Where To Find A Coffee Maker
    Where to Find a Coffee MakerMany people drink coffee every day. They drink it with breakfast, lunch, and even dinner. The workplace introduces many people to ......... Read More

  • Low-acid-coffee-30
    I love coffee. I absolutely love it and have several cups everyday. I also suffer from stomach problems and have for many years. About eight years ago I ......... Read More

  • Coffee Caffeine How Much Is In Your Cup
    Coffee is a complex mixture of chemical components of the coffee bean. Some of these components are partially destroyed by the roasting process; however, many ......... Read More

  • Try Cappuccino From Fair Trade Coffee Beans
    Fair Trade Coffee is an organization that protects the laborers who work hard to bring you great coffee. Fair Trade Coffee is produced a bit differently from ......... Read More

  • Home Coffee Grinder Buying Guide For Serious Coffee Drinkers.
    Serious coffee drinkers wouldn't consider anything less than grinding their own beans at home. Grinding beans does take a bit more time but as any connoisseur ......... Read More

  • Black Tea Caffeine Benefits Of Coffee With Less Side Effects
    The ‘pick me up' we get from drinking tea is a result of the caffeine in the tea. When black tea caffeine first was discovered in the year 1827, it was ......... Read More

  • More Than A Cupful Of Coffee Benefits
    Most people just can't live without coffee. These are the people who look forward to their first cup of coffee as soon as they wake up in the morning. ......... Read More

There are many good coffees that are produced and developed world wide to give
coffee connoisseurs a delightful variety of flavours and aromas to try. One of
the best coffees by far that is on the market today is Kona coffee, which is
grown and roasted with utmost care to provide the very best coffee experience
for those who care to indulge. Kona coffee is grown in the Kona region on the
big island of Hawaii, and has been produced since the 1800's. Coffee plants were
originally introduced into the area by Samuel Reverend Ruggles, when he brought
Brazilian cuttings into the region to grow. Although it took many years for the
plants to take off, coffee has now become a big business in Hawaii, with over
600 Kona coffee farms in the area today.Kona coffee beans are grown in the ideal
conditions of this region, offering the plants the optimum amounts of sun,
moisture and temperature to grow the best beans possible. The blooms appear on
the trees in February and March, and the small, white flowers that cover the
plants are known as “Kona snow.” The beans are harvested from August to January
every year, and the trees are picked over many times to ensure that the harvest
is complete. Once the cherries housing the coffee beans have been picked and the
beans are extracted, they will go through a sun-drying process before they are
sold to roasters, or roasted by the farmer himself for a unique, customized
coffee.Where to find Kona CoffeeMany coffee distributors will offer Kona coffee,
although it may not be available all of the time. It is important if you are
shopping for Kona coffee to watch out for terms like Kona blend, or Kona
roasted. Coffee makers who have picked up on the idea that Kona coffee is big
business will try to use the terms in a variety of ways to market their coffees
more effectively. Keep in mind that most Kona blends on the market are only ten
percent Kona coffee, and the rest is probably Columbian or Brazilian. If a
coffee is truly a Kona coffee, it will have been grown in the Kona region, and
it will bear a unique stamp to that effect.Kona coffee offers a flavourful cup of
coffee with a rich aroma, and is known throughout the world as one of the best
coffees available today. While it tends to be much pricier than many other types
of coffee, one taste of this delicious beverage will convince you that Kona
coffee is worth every penny.