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  • Cappuccino Machine
    Cappuccino MachineA cappuccino is a wonderful Italian coffee based hot drink that is prepared with milk foam, espresso and hot milk. It is normally served in ......... Read More

  • 10 Facts You Never Knew About Coffee
    The next time you are at your favourite coffee shop and someone catches your eye, here are ten interesting coffee facts that you can use to break the ice:1) ......... Read More

  • History Of Kenya Coffee
    The birth place of coffee is relatively close to Kenya but getting it there was not an easy task and full of bloodshed. The Arabs who controlled coffee enslaved ......... Read More

  • Gourmet Coffee The Best Information
    If you are really fed up with having the hum drum coffee all the time. Then it's time to recompense yourself with something diverse and exciting. Why not spritz ......... Read More

  • The Coffee Bean
    Coffee is a beverage, served hot or with ice, with or without cream and sugar, prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant. These seeds are almost ......... Read More

  • Before You Purchase A Home Espresso Machine
    Instead of running to your local coffee shop or favourite corner café for the perfect cut of espresso, consider making your own at home. If the thought of ......... Read More

  • Coffee Maker Glossary
    Coffee Maker Glossary Coffee has a language all its own. Here are a few of the frequently used coffee maker terms.Auto Frother: device that automatically ......... Read More

  • Coffee - Avoiding Brewing A Bad Cup
    If a good cup of coffee was so easy to make by simply just throwing in your choice of coffee grinds into water and then into your percolator, then you could ......... Read More

  • Coffee Maker Types
    When we hear the term ‘coffee maker' most of us think of only one type of coffee maker. Most often, the drip style coffee maker or the espresso type machine ......... Read More

  • Is That Hot Coffee Really Good For You
    It is common knowledge that the caffeine content in coffee is not good for human health. In spite of that caffeine consumption the world over has increased in ......... Read More

It is common knowledge that the caffeine content in coffee is not good for human
health. In spite of that caffeine consumption the world over has increased in
the past decade. If you are a regular hot coffee drinker and still not familiar
with the health issues it poses, it might be worthwhile to read this article.
Tremendous amount of research time has been spent to study the effect of
caffeine on people. Most of the findings have discovered that caffeine ( and
coffee is one of the highest caffeine laced beverage, a lot higher than tea) has
some kind of effect on almost all body parts. Serious health hazards such as
rheumatoid arthritis and heart attacks have also been linked to coffee. The
common ailments are increase in blood pressure ( can be fatal in individuals who
already suffer from high blood pressure) and change in the level of stress
hormones. Heart palpitations, jitters and weakening of the nervous system have
also been associated with long time coffee drinkers.
One of the most harmful effects of hot coffee has been connected with pregnant
women. Malformation or low birth weight is a chronic problem faced by doctors in
cases where the mother has been a regular coffee drinker. Coffee is said to
reduce the ability of the women's body to absorb calcium and other important
minerals which can have harmful results on the child. Lactating mothers are also
warned against having coffee as that gets transferred to the child and the child
may loose the ability to process caffeine in the long run.
The harmful effect of hot coffee is a debatable topic and people continue to
take sides on this matter. It should be kept in mind that regular usage of
coffee is definitely harmful for the health.