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  • Reduce Your Stress With A Coffee Break Playing An Arcade Game
    The coffee break is normally one of the American traditions of taking a break during office hours. It actually started in the early 20th century, and until ......... Read More

  • Coffee Makers For Different Coffee Types
    There is nothing quite like waking up in the morning, stumbling to the kitchen and finding your favourite coffee brewed and waiting for you. Of all the drinks ......... Read More

  • A Brief History Of Espresso
    Luigi Bezzera, the owner of a manufacturing business invented Espresso at the turn of the century. Luigi Bezzera was simply trying to figure out a way to ......... Read More

  • The History Of Coffee
    Coffee, the brew, that more than half the people around the world need to kick start the day. Ever wondered about the origins of this humble but oh so ......... Read More

  • Is Coffee Good For You Or Bad For You
    Many sober, law abiding people who would never dream of knowingly ingesting a mind- altering drug, actually consume one every day—caffeine! ......... Read More

  • Coffee Facts A Brief History In Time
    It is probably common knowledge that coffee was discovered in Ethiopia. The ‘red' cherries which the sheep ate and become very active were taken home and ......... Read More

  • 5 Tips For Beginning A Successful Coffee Franchise
    5 Tips for Beginning a Successful Coffee FranchiseChances are quite good that if you are beginning a coffee franchise that you have visions of successful endings ......... Read More

  • Organic Coffee Promotes Better Health
    Around the world coffee is the second most traded item in the world, coming in just behind crude oil (although a distant second we're sure). How ever as more ......... Read More

  • Cappuccino - The Legends Behind Coffee
    The legendary cup of cappuccino seems like just a mere drink that brings up maybe a romantic gathering with some old boyfriend, but who would think that ......... Read More

  • Points To Look For When Buying A Coffee Maker
    If you are gearing up to buy a coffee maker you need to be clear about your taste and requirement. Buying home a coffee maker has become a necessity with ......... Read More

Choosing the right glass coffee table with my wife was more difficult than
agreeing on the best coffee maker. At least we both feel passionately picking
out from the best coffee machines, but this passion made us divisive when it
came to finding a good table to rest our coffee on. We are both professionals
and like getting things our own way. Usually we give each other space so we
don't need to fight over silly things, but when it comes to home décor, my wife
wants things here way. Unfortunately, I want things my way too and this caused
quite a stir when we tried to buy a table together. We couldn't agree on a
single coffee table after we had visited over 10 stores. I have a modern sense
of taste and want something that is clean and simple that give the room a nice
feel and is practical. My wife on the other hand would prefer the coffee table
of an Austrian nobleman. She would probably have bought the gold-plated table
with rhinestones and lion's feet if I had agreed to it. I wasn't going to live
in this kind of Venetian palace and told her so, which she did not like. If she
wants to play decorator for the King of France, then fine, but not in my home!
We were coming close to a bad fight, but I stopped this from going too far. We
don't forgive and forget quickly like some couples. Our fights can go on for
days and are most unpleasant. I didn't want a stupid coffee table to ruin my
next week, so I went ahead with a compromise on the coffee table. We chose one
that we could both live with even though neither of us was really crazy about
it. At least we got something to put our coffee on and went home while still
speaking to each other!