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  • The What Where And How Of Buying A Coffee Grinder
    Grinding coffee beans in the correct manner is an essential part of creating a good-quality cup of coffee, so buying a coffee grinder is one of the better ......... Read More

  • Coffee Is One Of The Most Popular Drinks In The World
    Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world – perhaps because it's so versatile. From simple coffees like espresso and filter coffee, to more complex ......... Read More

  • Types Of Coffee Grinders And How They Work
    When walking down the coffee aisle of most grocery stores, you will find a coffee grinder that customers use to grind coffee beans. A coffee grinder has ......... Read More

  • The Good And Bad Of Coffee
    There have been so many studies over the last twenty-five years about the effects of coffee that many people are confused about the real results.For a few ......... Read More

  • What To Look For In A Coffee Grinder
    Freshly brewed coffee is all the rage today and you have been bit by the bug. You enjoy your quick stop into the local coffee shop to order your special drink ......... Read More

  • Anniversary Favors Coffee Or Tea
    You decided to throw an anniversary party for the lucky couple – a 25th or a 50th. You will offer both coffee and tea at the party, so why not take your cue ......... Read More

  • Most-expensive-coffee-03
    Do You Indulge in the Most Expensive Coffee When you think of coffee, you probably immediately imagine a Starbucks cup, piping hot and topped with whip ......... Read More

  • Simple Gourmet Coffee
    There are a number of countries that produce coffee and new regions are converting their crops to the mighty bean as our demand for different tasting ......... Read More

  • Gourmet Coffee And Coffee Buying Tips
    Whilst you are hunting for gourmet coffee or an associated food and drink accessory it is essential that you make use of the large number of articles that ......... Read More

  • Why Decaffeinated Coffee Was Introduced
    Being an avid drinker of coffee, I never could figure out the reason following decaffeinated coffee. People usually drink coffee or espresso for the caffeine ......... Read More

You are hooked as you stop every day at the local coffee shop and order a latte
or other gourmet coffee drink. You have been alternating between ordering hot
and cold beverages when you go. This gives you an opportunity to try the many
different flavours that are sold there. Did you that there are literally
hundreds of different flavours that you can try?If you are looking for a real
treat, try ordering special gourmet coffee drinks. Coffee beans are grown
throughout the world and you can have coffee from the Middle East, America,
Asia, Africa and even from Hawaii. The different types and flavours are
particular to each growing area and are influenced by 6 important elements:
soil, altitude, sunshine, cloud cover, rain and slope.So, you now know a little
more about where the coffee is grown but what is really the trend behind gourmet
coffee drinks? Is it the coffee itself or the amazing sweet flavoured syrups,
the steamed milk, the whipped cream or the little shavings of chocolate and
other flavouring added to the top?Many believe that you should start with a
flavoured coffee in order to create a great gourmet coffee drink. Some of the
more popular flavours are:* Amaretto Supreme - almonds and almond flavoured
liqueur. * Apricot Creme - fruit flavoured. * Butter Rum - buttery rum flavoured.
* Caramel Creme - old fashioned caramel. * Cinnamon Viennese - spicy cinnamon
flavour. * Cookies and Creme - Oreo cookie flavoured. * French Vanilla - sweet
flavour of vanilla. * Hazelnut Creme - classic nut flavour. * Irish Creme - flavour
of a famous liqueur. * Southern Pecan - a classic flavour of the South. *
Ultimate Chocolate - a favourite for chocolate lovers.Others believe that the
right coffee is only the beginning. You also need to grind your own coffee
beans so that they are always fresh and to make the flavour pop when you brew it.
Your final gourmet coffee beverage will only be as good as your coffee pot can
make it—especially since coffee is the main ingredient in these drinks. No
matter what flavour of gourmet coffee you start with, the other ingredients you
add will enhance the flavour of your freshly made cup of gourmet coffee. Do not
skim on your other ingredients. Purchase a good brand of the flavoured sweet
syrup and real whipping cream from a can. Invest in a milk steamer to properly
heat the milk to the correct temperature. Now, put all of your ingredients
together into a drink that will thrill and delight your friends and family-great
gourmet coffee at home, any time of the day or night.So whether you make it a
hot cup or a cold frozen delight, sit back and enjoy the experience. Share your
drinks with your family and friends-you will never have to think twice about
having a special gourmet coffee drink if you can make it yourself at home.