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  • Coffee Is For Closers....and For Coaches
    You've likely watched the iconic scene from David Mamet's Glengarry Glen Ross where Blake, a young hotshot from downtown with an $80,000 BMW and a ......... Read More

  • Web Branding Coffee Drinking Checker Players
    Unique selling points can be used to help understand web branding, but the essence of branding is always a much bigger picture.It's only the best of ‘good ......... Read More

  • Coffee Maker Style Guide
    Coffee Maker Style GuideAccording to some statistics, 52 percent of Americans are coffee drinkers. This translates to more than 100 million people who drink ......... Read More

  • Coffee Ideas To Try In Your Kitchen
    When you think of cocktails, your immediate image is probably of highly colored fruit juices and strong spirits, dressed with a sparkly umbrella and a piece of ......... Read More

  • Use Your Favorite Coffee Machines To Brew For Cooking
    Coffee RecipesIf you love your cup of java then you love to try some foods that use coffee as an ingredient. Usually coffee is used in dessert, but it isn't ......... Read More

  • Coffee Roasters All You Need To Know For Roasting Beans At Home.
    Coffee roasters come in all shapes and sizes ranging in price from 30 dollars to nearly a thousand. As with any product, the price you pay for it doesn't always ......... Read More

  • How To Select A Coffee Roaster
    If you have decided to roast your own coffee then your first port of call will be to consider how to select a coffee roaster that is right for you. This ......... Read More

  • Coffee Business Franchises
    Does the aroma of brewing coffee transport you to a sensory paradise? Is a steaming latte your idea of comfort food? Do you consider coffee its own ......... Read More

  • Enjoying Your Favorites With A Coffee And Latte Machine
    For the hard and true coffee lovers among us there are few roads we would not travel for the perfect cup of coffee. We have our favourites – usually house ......... Read More

  • The Appeal Of Coffee Drinkers
    What is the appeal of being an avid coffee drinker? I believe I have broken in down to three reasons. The first one obviously is the great taste of coffee. ......... Read More

Plain coffee is fast becoming a thing of the past. It's now quite simple to whip
up a gourmet hot beverage for guest, family, or just for yourself. Nowadays
there are a number of coffee clubs and circles in which coffee drinking has
become somewhat of a social club. These social clubs meet in the community or on
the Internet.
Where did the good old days go where you could get just a regular, good cup of
coffee all across America.
It's all because there is a big craze over coffee these days. People are almost
worshipping the coffee bean now. People get a thrill out of ordering and buying
special coffees from specialty stores. They really like grinding their own
coffee beans. They like visiting places such as Costa Rica and bringing back
their special blends. And "coffee tasting" seems to be about as popular as "wine
They even have furniture and home interior designs with a coffee theme. This
would make great gifts for the coffee buff.
Coffee got its beginnings around 900 A.D. where it was at first used as a
stimulant. It was also at times used as a wine and a medicine. It doesn't look
like anything is much different today.
There are not many products such as coffee that have continued "as is" for
hundreds of years. And yet people are still scrutinizing and getting creative
with it today and probably will be for years to come.
What is also interesting is that coffee is second to oil in dollar volume as a
world commodity.
Did you know that there is two times more caffeine in a pound of tea than in the
same amount of roasted coffee? This may be good news for those of you who hate
the taste of decaffeinated coffee however wait just one moment. A pound of tea
will make about 160 cups whereas a pound of coffee will usually make about 40
cups. This means that a cup of tea has about 1/4th the caffeine of a cup of
The content of caffeine in coffee decreases as it is grown at higher altitudes.
If you want less caffeine in your coffee, grow it higher. Gourmet coffees are
typically grown at higher altitudes so they have less caffeine than their
grocery store counterparts.
There are many different types of coffee beans and way too many to describe in
this article. Here are just a few of them:
You have Latte, Espresso, Low-Fat, Organic, Cal, Decaf, Half-Decaf, Black
Forest, Cappuccino, Cafe au Lait, Alpine which has brown sugar, Arabian (lightly
spiced and without filter), Cafe con Miel (Spanish for coffee with honey), and
Cafe de Olla (a sweet coffee made with chocolate).
And you really should attend a coffee tasting at least once. You will get to
experience how making and brewing gourmet coffee is slowly becoming a form of
art. What is fun about the coffee tasting is that you could get a chance to
taste two dozen or more different blends. You may even leave to start your
journey as a coffee connoisseur. Any way you look at it, the tasting experience
will be fun if you like coffee.